Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Another day, another Penuine module...

This time a class that displays a "Level complete!" message which stays until you press a key. It's called by the levelcontrol class upon completion of a level, and looks very spiffy as you'll see from the screenshot. Pygame's per-pixel alpha capabilities are proving incredibly useful, they make some very nifty effects possible.

But that's not all that's been done! As well as this, I've got a new idea for the level intros screen which involves a cool text scrolling effect similar to the one on the main menu, but this time it's vertical and the text at the top and bottom is slightly smaller than the text where the mouse is. It'll naturally be incredibly difficult to code, but I've already made some progress - I've made a simple text wrapping system that takes a string and splits it into lines which are then made into an array containing text colours and positions as well. I'm hoping that this method will make it possible to animate the completely arbitrary number of lines necessary to display the story. The length of the algorithm for this is going to be ridiculous though...

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